Digital payments made secure, easy, and accessible.

We provide our customers with seamless transactions through an all-in-one payment platform


NarwhalPay Dashboard

Monitor all your transactions on our comprehensive platform for a better financial experience

narwhal screens

Who We Serve

Why Choose Us?

Fast Integration

Our API is equipped with concise and straightforward code.

Secure Payments

Rest easy with NarwhalPay - we've got your data security covered! Our systems are fully compliant with all necessary certifications for top-notch protection.

Easy Monitoring

Keep track of your transactions using our merchant dashboard.

Customized Services

At NarwhalPay, we understand your business requirements and offer customized products to cater to your unique needs.

Zero ADB Requirements

You can use our payout services for salary, loan disbursement, and other payouts without any deposit requirements.

Supports Traditional Institutions

Narwhal Fintech Corporation has developed a standalone platform that serves traditional organizations as part of our commitment to digital transformation.

Waived Integration Fee

We value our clients. NarwhalPay prevent initial expenses when you partner with us.

24/7 Support

Our commitment to our clients is unwavering! We offer dedicated 24/7 support at any time and from any location!

Stable System

We prioritize sustainability and integrity, ensuring the stability and reliability of our system at all times.

Ready to Partner With Us?

Follow these easy steps to get started with NarwhalPay!
Figure One


Register your business
Figure Two


Submit documents that classify your business industry
Figure Three


Activate your account and get started!